What is Feng Shui and how does impact your vision board?
Are you familiar with Feng Shui? If so, you can already see how Feng Shui will impact your vision board and the positivity that will result from its influence. If you aren’t very familiar with Feng Shui, you are going to love it!
A quick lesson on Feng Shui!
Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art and science that was developed more than 3000 years ago. It is still here with us today because Feng Shui is very powerful. If you translate the two words “Feng” and “Shui,” they literally mean “Wind” and “Water.” These two elemental concepts represent your destiny and your environment. Feng Shui teaches that the two are connected, and if we live in harmony and balance with our environment, this can have a positive effect on our future. Based on the Taoist vision and understanding of nature, the idea that land is alive and filled with energy, is called Chi. Keep in mind a Feng Shui Vision Board will correspond to each section with the following basic elements: Earth, Fire, Water, Wood, and Metal.
Feng Shui is essentially the interaction of humans and their environments. It enables you to influence these interacting energies to achieve specific life improvements. This influence is gained by positioning or designing your surroundings in harmony with principles of natural energy flow. Feng Shui reveals how to balance the energies of any given space to assure health and good fortune for those inhabiting it. These systems of laws for spatial arrangement and orientation are taken into account when people are designing buildings, placing furniture and possessions and even bodies. It offers a unique way of looking at these elements and provides balance, comfort, and harmony into your environment.
The main tools used in Feng Shui are the compass and the Bagua. The Bagua, or the energy map, is an octagonal grid containing the symbols of the I Ching, the ancient oracle on which Feng Shui is based. The Compass , or Luo-Pan, is used to access the deeper information of a building. It consists of bands of concentric rings arranged around the magnetic needle.
It is important to know that there are several different schools of Feng Shui. Once you master the basics of Feng Shui you will start seeing powerful results and understand why Feng Shui is used in both homes and offices all over the world.
The Feng Shui Bagua Map
When the concepts of Feng Shui and the Law of Attraction are combined on your vision board, you have created a powerful tool for positively shaping and creating your destiny.
A Bagua is the Feng Shui energy map superimposed on the floor plan of your home. The Chinese word "Bagua" translates to mean “eight areas.” Each of the eight areas relates to a different life circumstance, such as family, wealth, or career. And, each of these areas has corresponding shapes, colors, seasons, number, and earthly elements. At the center of the Bagua—a ninth area—is you, representing your overall health and wellness.
There are several Feng Shui schools of thought. All of them use Baguas when analyzing your home; however, some may apply the Bagua in different ways. The Western and BTB (Black Sect) schools usually lay the Bagua so that the knowledge, career, and helpful people areas align with the front door of the home. The Flying Stars and other classical schools may orient the Bagua based on the energy of the year or the compass.
The Bagua Areas
The easiest way to incorporate the Bagua in your life is to identify one to three areas that need the most attention. Do not attempt to work on all areas at once. To strengthen your energy or improve flow in those areas, incorporate Feng Shui suggestions in that particular area. For example, if you want to encourage fertility, you might add a metallic, circular table in the part of your house representing children.